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Andy Warhol inspired Pop Art


During this unit we discuss print making, designs using positive and negative space, and what is popular culture. The kids then decide what they wish to express as being an important piece of the culture that defines their generation. Similar to how Andy Warhol expressed mass production and the death of Marlin Monroe. 

Creative Critter: Mugs/ Toothbrush holders/ Banks


Depending on the students selection they have created a eclectic collection of creative critters. 

This is a ceramics based project.

Plein Air: Painting, Pastel, and Drawing


Each grade level progresses though similar concepts with different varations o

Here at S.K.H.S. students have many opportunities to create multiple projects with many different mediums. 


Drawing from Observation 

Using still life drawing techniques such as chiaroscuro, value and perspective. 

Self portrait 
Using the skills developed over the create a portrait expressing self. 
Intorduction to Pastels 
Students are intorduced to the medium of pastel with lessons about Paliolithic Cave Paintings. They then experiment with pastels. After gaining an understanding of the nature of the materials students then create a pastel drawing of an object important to them. 
1, 2, 3 point perspective 
Students work through understanding 1, 2, 3 point perspective or if they are up up for the challenge student may try parabolic perspective drawings. 
Intorduction to Watercolor
Using basic watercolor techniques and students favorite cartoons students are introduced to working with watercolors. 
Plein Air Drawing- Introduction 
Still Life Painting- Objects of Importance
Intro to Oil Pastels
Advanced Art- Landscape Pastels
Advanced Art- Tea pot and cups
Masks of the World
Experamental Watercolors
Intro to Drawing- Grid and Transfer
Intro to Cartooning 
One Point Perspective
Intro to Pottery
Group Design Project 
Beg Drawing and Painting- Cartooning 
Beg Drawing and Painting- Mythical Creatures 
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